
Jediitta Tiainen
Feb 5
Folks acted as legal advisor to Consivo Group in a transaction
Folks acted as a legal advisor to Consivo Groupi in a transaction

Jediitta Tiainen
Jun 8, 2023
Folks advises Boreo Plc in the acquisition of Delfin Technologies Ltd
Folks advises Boreo Plc in the acquisition of Delfin Technologies Ltd.

Jediitta Tiainen
Jun 1, 2023
Folks advised Exove Oy's shareholders in the sale of company's shares
We were happy to advise the shareholders of Exove Oy in the sale of company's shares to PunaMusta Media Plc.

Jediitta Tiainen
May 17, 2023
We advised the shareholders in the sale of Studyo Oy
Avustimme Studyo Oy:n osakkaita yhtiön koko osakekannan myynnissä

Jediitta Tiainen
May 17, 2023
We advised Boreo Plc in the acquisition of Filterit Oy
Avustimme Boreo Oyj:tä sen ostaessa Filterit Oy:n osakekannan.

Jediitta Tiainen
May 17, 2023
We advised A-lehdet in the acquisition of majority shareholding in Satokausi Media Oy
Avustimme A-lehtiä Satokausi Media Oy:n osake-enemmistön hankinnassa

Jediitta Tiainen
May 17, 2023
We advised Keskisuomalainen group in the sale of Seinäjoen Sanomat
Avustimme Keskisuomalainen-konsernia Seinäjoen Sanomat -kaupunkilehden myynnissä Ilkka-konsernille

Jediitta Tiainen
May 17, 2023
We advised a subsdiairy of Boreo Plc in the acquisition of Lamox Oy
We were once again happy to advice Boreo group in the enforcement of the group's acquisition oriented strategy. We advised Muottikolmio...

Jediitta Tiainen
May 17, 2023
We advised shareholders of Y-Pörssi Oy in the sale of Y-Pörssi's shares
We were happy to advise the shareholders of Y-Pörssi Oy in the sale of the all outstanding shares in Y-Pörssi Oy. The shares were...