Websites can be considered as business cards for several companies and as an important channel for customer acquisition. How the privacy of the website is implemented (or not implemented) can be a significant part in creating customer trust. We at Iconics have been mapping the data flows and uses of data in numerous online services, and, on the basis of this mapping, creating privacy notices that are user-friendly . We believe that good privacy communication and clear rules for data utilization can boost business. When the uncertainty e.g. whether cookies can be set, whether data can be utilized, whether data is legally collected or whether privacy notices are up-to-date, is deleted, resources freed up for innovative uses of data.
However, data protection cannot hapen merely on paper, but must also be implemented in practice. Together with our partner, we can provide our customers with a comprehensive service, especially related to website privacy, which consist of auditing the privacy policies of the customer's website, examining site cookies and scripts, making recommendations and assisting in implementing recommendations such as implementing a cookie consent tool or creating a website privacy statement.
The website privacy service includes:
According to the customer's wishes, auditing the website technically and legally.
Written recommendations for actions and a risk assessment.
Implementing cookie consent tool.
Creating / updating privacy documentation.
Facilitation of workshops.
Through the service you get:
Predictability of costs: we can usually provide a fixed fee for the service, so that the costs are known before the purchase decision.
Peace of mind: you are in experienced hands and can focus on the success of your business yourself.
Increase in value: in financial rounds or business transactions properly drafted legal documentation can turn out to be very valuable. Customers' confidence in your company will also be strengthened.
Contact hello@legalfolks.fi or Anna (anna.paimela@legalfolks.fi or +358 40 164 8626) directly.