Is your in-house legal counsel taking time off? Do you want to renew your contract templates but you do not have the necessary resources to take care of the project?
Rent a competent or a team to help with the tasks at hand. We provide assistance in day-to-day legal matters as well as strategic legal work. We are happy to work at your premises. Budgeting is easy as the rate is always the same.
Contact Antti

Are you wondering how to implement data protection legislation in practice and ensure compliance?
In our data protection start package (new businesses) or data protection current state assessment (established companies) we go through e.g. data flows and purposes of data use, draft or review data protection documentation and provide practical guidance to improve data protection compliance.
Contact Anna

Do you what cookies and scripts are used on your site? Do you obtain consent for the use of cookies as required by the GDPR? Does your privacy and cookie notice correspond with the practise?
Together with out partner we audit your websites' cookies and scripts and privacy notices, provide recommendations and assist you in implementing the recommendations, such as taking into use cookie consent choice mechanisms.
Contact Anna

Do you regularly employ at least 20 employees and you have a temporary or permanent need to reduce your workforce? Do you know what minutes, plans and other documents you should draftt relating to co-operation negotiations?
With our assistance you shall have the necessary and recommended documents for co-operations negotations and you are able to conduct the negotiations accordingly.
+358 40 164 8626
Contact Anna

Is the statutory governance documentation drafted in compliance with the Companies Act? Is the documentation up to date?
With our service you can outsource your annual compliance documentation to our experts. We will remind you about coming deadlines and offer you phone consultation on current topics without an extra fee.
Contact Antti

Is your company preparing for a business transaction or are you otherwise wondering what kind of legal risks are related to your business operations?
In our Pre Due Diligence / Legal scan service we map out the current state of your company's legal matters, list material risks and provide practical guidance on how to reduce risks or otherwise improve your legal affairs.
Contact Antti

Legal obligation to nominate a DPO but no one to fulfill the role? Need to take GDPR compliance to the next level?
With our outsourced data protection officer (DPO) service you ensure that data protection is a continuous process. A dedicated expert monitors your organisation's compliance, provides advice on data protection impact assessments, reports possible shortcomings and acts as a contact point for supervisory authority and data subjects.
Contat Anna

Are you a small firm or are you employing more than 20 to 30 employees? Do you know what kind of agreements, plans and other documents mandatory legislation requires you to have?
In our HR documentation service we go through your current HR documentation and help you draft all the documents required by legislation and correct potential mistakes.
Contact Anna

Does your company have at least 50 employees or does your company operate in the financial sector? If so, are you prepared for the so-called obligations under the Whistleblowing Directive?
Through our service, you will have access to the secure notification channel provided by our partner WhistleB for your organization, and you will be able to outsource the entire reporting channel and related processes to us, except for decisions regarding actions.