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Folks acted as legal advisor to Consivo Group in a transaction

Folks acted as a legal advisor to a Swedish Consivo Group AB in a transaction where the company acquired all teh outstanding shares in a Finnish Mixtec Oy. The transaction strenghtens Consivo Group's position in a Food Service market in Finland.

Mixtec Oy distributes and markets known dairy, vege protein and juice brands to hotels, restaurants and catering sector in Finland. The company is established in 1992 and its turnover in 2024 was approximately 8 million euros.

Consivo Group is a Scnadinavian group providing services related to sales, marketing and distrbitution of consumer products. Consivo Group's headquarter is located in Stcokholm and its turnover is approximately 160 Swedish kronor.

Folks congratulates both parties!

More about the transacation and parties in Finnish in Mixtec's news.

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